This week it has been absolutely beautiful outside. It warmed up and the sun was shining almost every day this week. Something about those first few hopes of the coming spring, especially after the winter we’ve had, that puts everyone in a good mood. Besides New Year’s and the often soon forgotten resolutions, glimpses of spring are also another time when people begin to think about fresh starts, cleaning up, or getting things in order. I am no different.
Thankfully, winter temperatures took a back seat this week. As the students began coming in to the class smiling and laughing just a bit more, the wheels starting turning in my head. Just as spring brings a fresh start, I also wanted to bring something fresh to the classroom. I want my students to enjoy learning so that it will be carried into their adult life. My week has been filled with studying and practicing strategies from Dr. Kagan. What an amazing set of strategies, techniques, and activities that are credited to his name. Fun (in the form of enjoyment of learning) can now be reintroduced into the classroom again. I have now taken over 2 Finance classes and 2 Keyboarding classes. Initially I was stuck in thinking that it would be hard to introduce some of the strategies in my Keyboarding class but the students have responded very well. Quietly sitting at a computer and typing activity after activity gets old very fast; and the students have no problem telling you. To be honest unless a test is in session, who would want to sit in a quiet class?
What I have noticed is that these new strategies are not only for the students but also for me; or any teacher. The movement, thinking, and excitement allow the students to become eager to learn more. As a result, I am energized to see that the students want to learn. It’s a wonderful cycle in that I can take that energy and use it to bring even more ideas of learning into the classroom. At the same time, students are eager to learn what’s next. In the end we are all learning and energized together. How fresh is that?
You certainly have gotten a burst of spring energy! Great job in looking to the students to gauge their needs. That, my friend, is fresh! Go for it! Your excitement,or lack of it, bleed over to them. If we listen, they will tell us in their actions what they need. You did a great job of "listening".