Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Evolution of a Blog

If you’ve visited this blog at anytime during this year, you may have noticed that I’ve made a few changes. The biggest change has been the name. When I first started in January, it was simply to fulfill a grade as part of completing my MAT. Simply called “LaShonda’s Blog”; plain, no thought to it, and just titled so that I could be identified to receive my grade. That first post reflected my nerves about this new chapter and experience about to take place. Then I gradually begin to feel more comfortable in my new role. Each week I began to look forward to posting and expressing my thoughts and feelings. In the beginning, it was not open to the public and only a few people had access to what I had written. After a few encouraging comments and my increased enjoyment, I begin to think that perhaps I would open it to the public and continue on after graduation. I am still a young’un in the blog world so I still have a lot of growing and evolving to do.

I became a teacher because of my experiences as a student. I loved, and still love, school; honestly! I have a passion for education and continual learning. When I was in school, proudly toting my backpack and pencil box, classrooms still used a chalkboard. Not the whiteboards that are widely used today. I decided upon “At the Chalkboard” as nod to my time as a student and the great teachers I had. That’s where I learned it was okay to have the wrong answer but if I talked each step through I would get to the right answer. That’s where I learned to love to challenge myself. That’s where I learned it was fine to be nervous during public speaking because the person that was before me and after me were more than likely nervous as well. That’s where I learned to be organized, keep track of dates, and responsible for deadlines because my teachers wrote it all out on the board. I could go on and on. I’m sure you can come up with your own memories of what you learned at your class chalkboard.

What can you expect on this blog? It will consist of anything that has to do with the facilitation of learning, that makes you reflect, or to look at things in a different way. The best teachers are masters at this in their classrooms. However, it will be more than just the traditional shiny red apple, ABC type things. Come on you should realize by now that teachers are more than that. Some are accomplished singers, dancers, crafters, bakers, and artists. They ride motorcycles, they are sports fanatics (I mean like painting their bodies or naming their first born after a mascot fanatics!), and some may have an incredibly, outrageous story that you would not believe. I have found if the class prods them enough and promises to make brownies they will reluctantly tell the class. Okay back to the point--occasionally I will post things that spike my interest and that I think you will also enjoy.

So come back again and stop by often, join/subscribe, and feel free to tell your friends. More importantly, I hope you enjoy the time you spend At the Chalkboard!!!

1 comment:

  1. Always a joy to read what you are writing. Have you really ever considered a writing job? I think you are really good.
